RT News reports -The Catholic Church has been condemned for prioritizing its own reputation over the protection of thousands of children who were abused for decades by priests, according to a damning new report in the UK. A government-backed independent inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church Read more…

ITALY Desecration spree engulfs Italy

Juliana Freitag reports for  ChurchMilitant.com : Earlier this year, Church Militant reported on a wave of anti-Christian vandalism sweeping across Italy, “in a binge of violence unparalleled in recent memory.” Months later, a post-lockdown upsurge in these episodes — widely underreported by the media — quickly spread across the country.   A statue of Read more…

SPAIN Spain expanding access to abotion

Martin Barillas reports for ChurchMilitant.com : Spain’s leftist government is pushing for its long-desired goal of expanding access to abortion for underage girls.   Minister for equality Irene Montero   Minister for equality Irene Montero appeared before Spain’s Congress on Wednesday and said that it is “more than necessary” for legislators to repeal laws requiring parental consent for 16- and 17-year-old girls to Read more…

UNITED STATES How should Christians vote? Bishop Barron and ‘Never-Trumpers’ muddy the waters

Doug Mainwaring writes for LifeSiteNews : Bishop Robert Barron has joined a small chorus of prominent faith leaders and “conservative” voices obscuring the clear choices Catholics and other people of faith face in the rapidly approaching presidential election. And while their chorus is indeed small — mostly high-profile “Never Trump” Read more…