THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC FAMILIES is an association of Catholic families who give one another mutual moral, spiritual and social support in today’s culture which is so threatening to our Catholic family values.
We are inspired both by Pope John Paul II’s vision of the family and by the model he proposes for us, namely the Holy Family of Nazareth. His appeal to us is to love one another.
The NACF is founded on the family catechesis of the Popes. Our work is therefore based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Familiaris Consortio, The Holy See’s Charter of the Rights of the Family and of course Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae.
We endeavour to be a living family catechesis answering the Servant of God, Pope John Paul’s call for “families to become what they are.”
By linking Catholic families locally, nationally and internationally always on the simple basis of mutual support our Association has now spread from England to Continental Europe, Arabia, India, Australia and America.
We know that we are bringing up our children in a culture which is more and more dominated by hostility to the family, to life and to the Church. We also know that with the grace of God, our mutual support is enabling us to overcome what the Popes have called the Culture of Death and to replace it with Jesus’ civilization, the Civilization of Love.
We ask each Local Group to have a minimum of four Family Days a year. Everything else is secondary. Quite simply this is the foundation of everything we do. All including our work hinges on this and without healthy active Local Groups nothing will prosper.
Our Blessed Lady is enthroned in the homes of all of the families of Local Group leaders , who in turn encourage the member families of their Local Groups to enthrone Our Lady as Queen of their family.
Our intention is to help provide the graces necessary for the survival of the families of our Association who are now undergoing an unprecedented level of spiritual and moral attacks and often accompanied by serious health problems.
We are supported by the prayers of very many priests and contemplatives throughout the world.
I am determined, as was John Paul II, to encourage the “marvellous news” (Familiaris Consortio) the “Gospel of the Family”, whose value is central to the Church and to society. Pope Benedict XVI
The future of humanity passes by way of the Family. Pope John Paul II in ‘Familiaris Consortio’
Who will stop rulers from favouring, from even imposing upon their peoples …the method of contraception which they judge to be most efficacious? Pope Paul VI in ‘Humanae Vitae’
What does an NACF Family Day consist of?
Families meeting together to support and encourage one another in the Faith.
The four essential components are
1. An image or an Icon of the Holy Family, the model for all Catholic families placed in a position of honour.
2. Pope John Paul’s Prayer for Families is then said: ‘Lord God, from you every family in Heaven and on earth takes its name. Father, you are love and life. Through your Son, Jesus Christ, born of woman, and through the Holy Spirit, fountain of Divine Charity. Grant that each family on earth may become for each successive generation a true shrine of life and love. Grant that your grace may guide the thoughts and actions of husbands and wives for the good of their families and of all the families in the world. Grant that the young may find in the family solid support for their human dignity and for their growth in truth and love. Grant that love, strengthened by the grace of the sacrament of marriage, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. Through the intercession of the Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that the Church may fruitfully carry out her worldwide mission in the family and through the family. Through Christ our Lord who is the Way, the Truth and the Life for ever and ever. Amen’
3. A parent or priest loyal to the Magisterium of the Church gives a talk on some aspect of Papal teaching on the Family – in particular Familiaris Consortio followed by relevant discussion of the topic.
4. The day ends with the prayer of Consecration to Our Blessed Lady of the families present.
As the Father has chosen you, Mary, to be His Immaculate Child, the Wife of Joseph, and the Mother of His beloved Son and of the whole Church in full communion with the Holy Spirit, we choose you today as Mother and Queen of our whole family, and we consecrate to you our souls and our bodies, all our activities and everything that belongs to us, without reserve. Show each of us your most maternal kindness. Teach us to love Jesus and the Father more and more, and through them, to love one another in the Holy Spirit, deepening our knowledge of each other in the light of Jesus, respecting each other, and each day, choosing one another in a simpler and more divine love. Mary, grant each of us the grace to accomplish each day the will of the Father in the gift of ourselves, so that our whole family may bear witness in the midst of the world to the love of Jesus, victorious over evil. Amen
Two don’ts are insisted on at Family Days
1. Do not criticise other Catholics clerical or lay as it is uncharitable and destroys the peace of the Family Day.
2. Do not allow the Family Day to be instrumentalised for any other purpose because it is only for the mutual support of the families taking part.
Above all keep it simple. A family invites one or more Catholic families to meet at their house or elsewhere, with each bringing food to share.
The talk should be no more than 25 minutes with adequate time for discussion. All the relevant family catechesis documents are available on our web site
Ensure that there are appropriate and fun activities for children and young people.
Ask some contemplative sisters to pray for the success of the Family Day.
Since the purpose of a Family Day is to strengthen the Faith of families and individuals who feel isolated and marginalised in a society that is at odds with the teaching of the Magisterium, it is important for the peace and unity of the families taking part to invite only those who are not hostile to the teachings of the Church on marriage and the family. With this proviso any Catholic family irrespective of race or social background, should feel entirely free to come to a Family Day. This particularly true of the many recently arrived immigrant families.
Suitable instruction and attractive activities for the children are organised (many ideas and resources are available).
In conclusion. The purpose of a Family Day is simply to provide mutual support in order to help Catholic families survive, recover their strength and confidence, and then go out and respond to the Holy Father’s call for the re-evangelisation of families.
Finally remember. It can be done and it will repay your “investment” of time with the mutual support essential to your family.
NACF Youth is an intrinsic part of the National Association of Catholic Families.
We support one another in the Faith very much against the tide.
NACF Youth is a bridge between families and the world, a bridge which we build for our mutual support.
NACF Youth is uncompromisingly Catholic, joyful and apostolically successful.
Together with the Executive NACF Youth runs retreats (the most recent on the Holy Isle of Lindisfarne) and other spiritual events often with the spiritual support of the Community of St John or other reliable priests.
Over the past years NACF Youth has attended World Youth Days sending the largest youth delegation from the UK to the World Youth Day Paris 1997. We also gathered round the Holy Father in Rome 2000, Toronto 2003. In Cologne in 2005 we had representatives from our Association from four continents.
Very many of our members have persevered in the Faith.
A striking number of our members have gone into the priesthood and religious life and others have been successfully encouraged to persevere in their vocations to the priesthood. Seminarians have found strong moral support from our Association often in very difficult situations.
Yes, I would like to join the National Association of Catholic Families. Write to . . .
The NACF Treasurer
53 High Street
Needham Market
Suffolk IP6 8AL
Email :
You will receive a membership pack and news of family events such as family retreats, youth retreats and our annual pilgrimage to Walsingham. Catholic Family will be sent to you each quarter.
The NACF is not yet able to accept payment by Credit Card.
The NACF Treasurer
53 High Street
Needham Market
Suffolk IP6 8AL
UK Registered Charity
No. 298481